
Canopus Dv Capture Software For Windows 7


I am trying to digitize old vhs tapes of my son. I have sony vegas pro 11.

The capture software seems to be from 2007. I purchased a ADVC10 Canopus using svideo in and Firewire 6 pin into pc.

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Windows detects as AV/C tape recorder/PLayer and Capture software shows same. However not able to capture or see anything on preview. Pretty sure set up correctly.

Do I need an updated capture software? Software included with vegas seems pretty old. Is there a 3rd party capture software I should use? Any other suggestions please? It works fine for me using the built-in capture in Vegas 13 which should be the same as V11. I tried it with an old ADVC-100.

Here's what I did. Turn on your ADVC 10. Launch Vegas. Select the Project Media Tab and then Open the capture window and select DV, then OK. This brings up the Sony video Capture 6.0 window. The Verify Tape Name window will appear.

Enter a name and select the button 'Don't capture.' Hit OK and you will get a black screen. Then turn on your VCR and the screen should now appear. Select 'Capture Video' and then start your tape.

It should work. Hit the Stop button to end recording. A window should pop up saying your clip was recorded successfully, etc. Wwaag It also works in V10. The Vid Capture is the same. Have you verified that you're getting a signal by connecting the composite AV out from your ADVC to another monitor or TV? Back in Vegas, if the preview window is black, try toggling back and forth between the Capture and Advanced Capture tabs.

If it's still black, try capturing anyway. On one occasion when I was trying this, the preview magically appeared and it captured OK.

If you're able to successfully capture with a mini-dv deck, it's surprising that you can't with your ADVC unit. In any case, good luck.

I have built a new computer with Edius NX-PCI Express, Edius Pro 4.54, and NHX-B10 front bay. Computer Specs are: P5W DH Deluxe motherboard Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 2 GB RAM 250 GB SATA System Drive 500 GB RAID 0 Data Drive I can capture video within Edius, but whenever I try to use DVCapturev1.11, the program disappears. Within DVCapture, I can select NHX-E2-DV and a file save location.

However, as soon as I push play on the DV Player or within DVCapture, the program disappears. Any Suggestions? Thanks for your help. I also have problems with DV Capture but of a different kind, posted a new thread a while ago, NO SHOW, also no reply yet from GV Support! When I capture I have after 13 frames a 'FILE WRITE ERROR' no matter what drive i capture to (raid or non raid - pal / ntsc) This problem ocours on both my old 2.8 Ghz Xeon and my new 3 Ghz dual core Xeon systems.

Is this version related (1.11) or edius 4.54 is the corporate here? Anyone still has a older version of DV Capture lying around, I stuppidly erased my older version, no way to solve my problem now. Help would be greatly appriciated as I capture often live event of 5 hours or more duration and don't feel comfortable to use edius without being able to divide the files during capture. Edit: on both systems capturing using Edius 4.54 using either NX pci-e or DVStorm2 pci no problems at all! No vista here, just XP, it's just a Vista skin pack on the test system, my edit station is pure xp en I don't use Pen Drives (usb sticks) on that system to avoid virus etc en to burn a cd-r for 2 25 kb pic's is a bit of a waste, that's why i took a screen shot from the test system, got a few dv storm cards in use. If I wa using vista I would not be able to use the DV Storm card right!?

But I'm using it on all systems capturing with Edius 4.54, which works fine, only not DV Capture, and I badly need it. I just downloaded the DV Capture utility again from the download area en installed it (first removed the old one) but no show either.

So NO vista in use, problem still exist. Got the same file write error here. I'm thinking its kaspersky but not sure. Tried everything there is but still no go. I can see that there are quiet a few people with the same problem and no 1 finding a solution.

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This is suposed to be a support forum also. Please help because this is stoping all production! Thanx There are many ways to capture so I hope that is really not stopping your production. Also I just wanted to say that this is NOT an official support forum as you suggested. At least just disabling the Kaspersky AV did not have any effect - still the same error. Might be that they have done something deeper in the file system and it would require totally uninstalling the software.

The strange thing here is that DVCapture used to work fine for me before. In the spring I captured from two DV sources simultaneously with now problems. After that, I have made couple of changes to the system: 1. Upgraded Edius from 4.6 to 5.0 2.

Upgraded Kaspersky to 2009 version Don't know if either of these is the root cause for the file error, but I will try to figure that out. Any suggestions on how to debug are warmly welcome. DVCapture has been very useful in productions where DV quality is enough, and there's a time constraint with a lot of tape to be captured (like sports events, 12 hours of footage captured in 6 hours).