Here's a solo guitar reharmonization of the Miles Davis/Bill Evans ballad Blue In Green. This arrangement is an exploration of slash chords through a series of consonances and dissonances. This is great for expanding your chord vocabulary! To download a pdf chart, notation with tab! To download a pdf chord chart with suggested fingerings! Part 2 lesson on using Slash Chords with Whole Step Contrary Motion in harmonizing 'Autumn Leaves'.
Kodi mp3 streams error. To download a pdf chart that accompanies this lesson! Part 1 lesson on using a Whole Step Contrary Motion approach to harmonizing the melody of 'Autumn Leaves' to download a pdf chart that accompanies this lesson! Watch this lesson here: Here's a lesson I did for TrueFire's featured Sherpa on playing in 5/8 time. I talk about approaches to feeling, strumming and soloing in 5/8 using a traditional Bulgarian song. To download a pdf chart that accompanies this lesson. Watch this lesson here.